Mar 1, 2023 | Club News

Membership Article – June 2023

In May, we discussed the third Freedom of “The Four Freedoms” which was “Freedom to Know.” This is the idea that, as travelers, we need to know and understand the people and culture in the areas that we travel to. We should be informed travelers while we are on our journeys.

Freedom For Fun

The Airstream Club has a deep-rooted appreciation for the value of freedom. As Airstreamers, we often find ourselves craving the open road and the sense of liberation that comes with it. However, there is another facet of freedom that is equally important: the freedom for fun.

The concept of freedom for fun is centered around the idea that we should be able to enjoy ourselves without constraint, guilt or judgment. This kind of freedom allows us to engage in activities that bring us joy, enhance our physical and mental well-being and help us recharge our batteries. Fun is critical for our overall health and happiness. It is a powerful stress-reliever and can even boost our immune system. It can inspire creativity, increase our sense of purpose and productivity and foster better social connections.

As Airstreamers, we are well-positioned to embrace freedom for fun. Our travel lifestyle and love of adventure provide ample opportunities for us to engage in activities that bring us joy. Whether it is hiking, biking, kayaking, fishing or simply exploring a new town, we can find endless ways to have fun on the road.

Moreover, the Airstream Club is a fantastic resource for finding like-minded people who share our interests and passions. We can join special interest groups, attend rallies and events, or simply chat with fellow Airstreamers on the online community. By connecting with others who share our love for fun, we can enrich our travel experience and create lasting memories.

As Airstreamers, let us embrace the freedom for fun and make it a central part of our journey. Let us make time to engage in activities that bring us joy and share those experiences with others. As we seek the open road, let us also remember that the road is our playground — a place where we can have fun, explore and make the most of our precious time on this earth.

We’ve finally landed on the last freedom, so it’s time for a recap. These four freedoms, I feel are important to us as Airstream Club members. The first is freedom from arrangements, which allows Airstream owners to travel at their own pace and make spontaneous decisions. The second is freedom from the problems of age, as Airstreams offer a comfortable and accessible way to travel and enjoy life, regardless of age. The third is freedom to know, as Airstream owners take advantage of the inherent flexibility of their travel mode to learn and explore new places, cultures, and people. The final freedom is freedom for fun, which manifests itself in the many social events, clubs and activities that Airstream owners engage in to make lifelong connections, memories and experiences. Together, these four freedoms illustrate the unique and fulfilling lifestyle that Airstream ownership provides us.

As we continue to think on how we can build our club up using these four freedoms, please feel free to reach out to me via email at

<h4><a href="" target="_self">Cody Klingler</a></h4>

Cody Klingler

International Membership Chair Cody Klingler and partner Matt Moore (BRN #3937) are owners of a 1986 27’ Excella, “Second Wind” and a 1963 26’ Overlander, “Phyllis Diller” and reside in Western Pennsylvania. Both are actively involved in the Al-Mon-O PA Airstream Club where they’ve held various positions over the years. They enjoy traveling with their two dogs, Wally and Stella.

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