Airstream Club International

Travel Insurance Explained

Travel Insurance Explained

Joe Lesher and Grant Conway from TME Travel Insurance recently hosted a webinar outlining the benefits the company offers to Airstream Club International members. Whether you are traveling by Airstream, on a cruise, or on any other vacation, the unexpected can happen....

Unofficial “Newbie” Guide to Common Abbreviations and Terms

Unofficial “Newbie” Guide to Common Abbreviations and Terms

By Ginger Slattery, Region 7 President, BRN 2041 Where did summer go? It seemed to go faster than ever! I hope you all got out camping as much as we did! We’re not done yet! This month is the Region 7 “Spring Into Fall” Rally in Spring Green, Wisconsin! Minnesota...

Airstream of Minneapolis Open House

Airstream of Minneapolis Open House

Get Tickets (Free - Click) Join us for the Airstream of Minneapolis Open House on September 9, 11am-5pm! Free parking is available. Saturday, Sept. 9 · 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. CDT Airstream Minneapolis, Chelsea Road, Monticello, MN, USA 3939 Chelsea Road Monticello, MN 55362...

The 66th International Rally Wraps Up in Wyoming

The 66th International Rally Wraps Up in Wyoming

The 66th Annual Airstream Club International Rally saw its highest attendance in 20 years, infused an estimated $2,632,500 in traveler spending into the local economy, donated a generous $12,193 to the United Way and contributed more than 33,000 diapers to the...

Our First Year of Airstreaming

Our First Year of Airstreaming

Dianne and Jeff Lapierre hiking at Kershaw-Ryan State ParkBy Dianne & Jeff Lapierre, BRN 23101 A Surprise Call: Airstream Arrival The phone call came a few days before Christmas while visiting family in Eastern Canada. Call display read Traveland. My heart skipped...

2022 Canadian Rocky Mountain Caravan

2022 Canadian Rocky Mountain Caravan

By Florence Tramoni, BRN 25559 "The U.S. Rockies are the appetizer, but the Canadian Rockies are the main course.” A friend told me that last year when I got the email that I had been moved from a two-year waitlist for the Canadian Rocky Mountain Caravan.The Last...

On the Road with Electric Bikes

On the Road with Electric Bikes

By John Eckardt, BRN 7352 At the July International Airstream Rally in Fryeburg, Maine, one likely saw all of the bicycles that campers brought with them to get from their trailers to activities. Of the bicycles I saw, I estimated that about 40% were electric.John...

A Three-Caravan Year

A Three-Caravan Year

By Pat Lee, BRN 3204 There were times in 2022 when I wondered if committing to three national Airstream caravans in a six-month period might be too much of a good thing, but in retrospect, I’m glad I did. Joining a caravan with its detailed itinerary, reserved...

Tips on Troubleshooting Your Airstream

Tips on Troubleshooting Your Airstream

No matter how hard we try to keep our Airstreams in tip-top shape, they are homes on wheels, and they will need maintenance and repairs from time to time. Airstreams have a long list of systems and equipment that make our camping more comfortable and safer. Let’s look...

Big Red Numbers – They Tell A Story

Big Red Numbers – They Tell A Story

For over 60 years, the Wally Byam Caravan Club International (Airstream Club International) has been assigning members numbers and it all started in 1951 with the first Airstream Wally Byam Caravan. From #1 to #29187: The Origin of Airstream Numbers Why were they...
