A recent storm during the Nuts and Ruts: Finding the Oregon Trail national caravan caused significant damage to several Airstream rigs. This incident has sparked inquiries into insurance coverage for caravan participants, prompting the Airstream Club International to offer advice on how to prepare for various risks. The club highlights the importance of insurance coverage for cancellation, accidents, and storm-related damages, urging members to consider their personal circumstances and potential financial exposure.
Club News
President’s Corner – August 2023
Fellow Members, It's been a great year serving this term as your International President and I look forward to continuing serving during this...
The 66th International Rally Wraps Up in Wyoming
The 66th Annual Airstream Club International Rally saw its highest attendance in 20 years, infused an estimated $2,632,500 in traveler spending into...
President’s Corner – July 2023
Welcome from Rally2023 Fun in Rock Springs, WY We’ve just concluded our 66th International Rally in Rock Springs, WY. Great attendance, weather,...
2022 Canadian Rocky Mountain Caravan
By Florence Tramoni, BRN 25559 "The U.S. Rockies are the appetizer, but the Canadian Rockies are the main course.” A friend told me that last year...
On the Road with Electric Bikes
By John Eckardt, BRN 7352 At the July International Airstream Rally in Fryeburg, Maine, one likely saw all of the bicycles that campers brought with...
Membership Article – March 2023
Recently, we acquired a book called “Airstream: The History of the Land Yacht” from friends of ours who were cleaning out their property of old...
Strategic Planning Meeting – May 2023
I’m incredibly excited to have led our first IBT strategic planning meeting, graciously hosted by Airstream Inc in their new corporate board room...
President’s Corner – June 2023
Fellow Members, I hope all is well with you! By the time you read this, we’ll be 2,000 miles into our latest cross-country journey from our home in...
From the VP of Sales – June 2023
Greetings from your extended family here in Jackson Center, OH! I hope everyone is enjoying your Airstream in this warmer weather! As the weather...